Meet Anna

“Being around animals is good for the soul!”

As a kid I always knew I wanted to be in farming. I used to make photo collages of farm animals from magazines, I drew my own designs of my future farm, I’d always be found outside playing with tractors and I was obsessed with all the farming TV shows- actually I still am! I’d even try and give my schoolwork a farmy twist wherever I could. As soon as the opportunity arose, I was working on local farms. And at the age of 18, I started full time work on dairy farms. I was living the farming dream!

My farm work slowed down massively when my two daughters came along in 2020 and 2021. It wasn’t until then that I realised how much I missed being around the animals. I found becoming a mum hard, much harder than I ever imagined. Amongst the stresses of juggling kids, home and work I found so much peace and contentment in caring for animals. As soon as I felt I was ready to care for my own animals again, I bought some calves (then a few more other cute animals)  and although I was now a ‘busier’ mum,  I was also a happier one! I found it easier to parent my girls when we were outdoors and I absolutely loved seeing them enjoy the animals as much as me! I’ve always been secretly encouraging them to be farmers!

My girlies are still only little but I feel that animals are something kids can never tire of. We all benefit massively from animal interactions. Being around animals is good for the soul! That was the motivation behind Cheery & Chipper Farm Play. I want to share the joy that animals bring with all of you, young, old and all in between. I’m excited to welcome you and your family to Cheery & Chipper, making my new farming dream a reality!

Ready to join in the fun?